Sunday, August 25, 2024

Installing Flutter with Snap Packages: A Simple Guide for Linux Users

Flutter is a powerful cross-platform framework for building beautiful, high-performance apps. If you're on Linux, installing Flutter with Snap packages is a breeze, thanks to their user-friendly nature. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Get Snappy: Install snapd

  • Open your terminal and run the following command:

      sudo apt install snapd

This command installs snapd, the service that allows you to manage and install Snap applications.

  • Restart or Log Out: After the installation, restart your system or log out and log back in to ensure that snap paths are updated correctly.

2. Install Flutter: It's a Snap!

  • Now, you're ready to install Flutter. Run this command in your terminal:

      sudo snap install flutter --classic
This command downloads and installs the Flutter SDK and all necessary dependencies.

3. Choose Your Code Editor: Visual Studio Code is a Popular Choice

Flutter works with various code editors, but Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular choice due to its robust Flutter plugin. Here's how to set up VS Code:

  • Install VS Code: Use this command in your terminal:

      snap install code --classic
  • Install the Flutter Plugin: Open VS Code and access the Extensions Marketplace (Ctrl+Shift+X). Search for "Flutter" and install the plugin developed by "Dart Code."

4. Ready to Run: Your First Flutter App

You've got Flutter and VS Code installed, so it's time to create and run your first Flutter application.

  • New Project Time: Open your terminal, navigate to the directory where you want to store your project, and run this command to create a new project:

      flutter create my_first_flutter_app
This creates a project named my_first_flutter_app with all the required files and folder structure.
  • Launch Your App: In your terminal, navigate to the project directory and run this command:

      flutter run
This command builds and runs your app on your emulator or device.

5. Customize Your Path (Optional)

To access Flutter from anywhere in your terminal without navigating to its installation directory, you can add its path to the PATH environment variable.

  • Edit the ~/.profile File: Open the file ~/.profile using a text editor like nano or vim:

      sudo nano ~/.profile
  • Add the Flutter Path: At the end of the file, add this line:

      export PATH="$PATH:/snap/bin/flutter"
Replace /snap/bin/flutter with your Flutter installation path if necessary.
  • Save, Close, and Apply: Save the file, close the text editor, and run this command in your terminal to apply the changes to your environment variables:

      source ~/.profile
Now you can run Flutter commands from anywhere in your terminal.

6. Common Errors and Solutions

  • Permission Errors: If you encounter permission errors when installing Flutter or running commands, ensure you're running the commands with sudo access.

  • Version Mismatches: Check your installed Flutter version by running flutter --version. If the installed version is incompatible with your project, use the flutter upgrade command to update to the latest version.

  • Build Errors: If you face build errors, make sure you have installed all the required dependencies. You can check your dependencies by running flutter doctor.

Building Your App: The Fun Begins!

With Flutter and VS Code set up, you're ready to build amazing apps! Remember these key aspects:

  • Project Structure: Flutter projects follow a structured folder hierarchy that makes code management easier.

  • Widgets: Flutter is built upon the concept of widgets, UI components used to create complex user interfaces.

  • Layouts: Flutter offers various layout options to help you arrange widgets effectively.

  • State Management: Flutter provides various state management methods, allowing you to update the UI in a seamless and efficient way.

Explore Further:

Get started with Flutter and the power of Snap packages to create incredible cross-platform applications!


HomeKit Devices Not Responding? Here's How to Fix It

A smart home is a dream come true, but when devices start acting up, the frustration can set in. If your HomeKit device is displaying “No Response” in the Apple Home app or Siri tells you the device isn't responding, there are a few solutions you can try to get things back on track.

1. Ensure Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Are Enabled

It might seem obvious, but it's worth checking first. Some HomeKit devices require Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to be active on your iPhone. If one of these is disabled, the problem might be a simple fix!

2. Restart Your Home Hub and iPhone

One of the most common issues with unresponsive HomeKit devices is a problem with the home hub. A home hub is the device that controls all of your HomeKit devices, and unfortunately, Apple doesn’t give us much choice in selecting it.

HomePod and Apple TV are automatically set up as a home hub when they are connected, and you can also manually add an iPad as a hub as long as that device is always inside your home. However, which device acts as your active home hub at any given time is not something we can control and will change randomly over time.

To check which device is your current active hub, open the Home app, tap the three-dot menu button in the top right, then Home Settings > Home Hub & Bridges. Restart your hub by unplugging it from power, waiting 10 seconds, and then plugging it back in. Restarting your iPhone is also a quick and easy thing to try if restarting the hub doesn’t work.

3. Reboot the Unresponsive Device

If only one HomeKit device is not responding, rebooting that device will often resolve the issue.

For smart plugs, simply unplug them, wait 10 seconds, and then plug them back in. Keep in mind that it might take another minute or two for the device to come back online.

For lightbulbs, it depends on whether you have a wired smart switch connected to it. If not, simply turn off the physical switch that provides power to the circuit, wait 10 seconds, and then turn it back on. Let it sit for one to two minutes to allow the device to fully reboot.

4. Reboot Your Router and Bridge

If the above steps didn’t work, try rebooting your wireless router and any wireless bridges that connect to the router. Start with the Wi-Fi router. Unplug it from power, wait 10 seconds, plug it back in, and wait a few minutes for it to come back online. If that doesn’t work, do the same with each wireless bridge.

5. Choose a Different Wi-Fi Channel

If the problem persists, check if there is an issue with your Wi-Fi channel. You can change your Wi-Fi channel through your router’s settings.

6. Ensure Everything is Updated

The next step is to make sure all of your devices are running the latest firmware. This means:

  • Your wireless router

  • Your home hub

  • Your bridge

  • Your smart home devices

7. Reposition Your Router or Home Hub

In some cases, the issue might be because the device isn’t getting a good wireless connection to your router or home hub device. You can fix this by moving the router.

8. Remove and Re-Add the Device

If you’re still having trouble, you can try removing the device from the Home app and adding it back. This process will reset your device and may resolve the issue.

9. Last Resort: Reset Your HomeKit

If all else fails, you can try resetting your entire HomeKit home. This will wipe out all your settings, scenes, automations, and switch functionality. Once you reset, you'll need to manually add all your devices back.


These solutions should help to resolve unresponsive HomeKit device issues. If you are still experiencing problems, contact the manufacturer of your device or Apple for further assistance.


A Fatal Error: Microsoft Secure Boot Update Causes Dual-Booting Headaches

Dual-booting, running both Windows and Linux on a single machine, is a popular choice for many users. However, a recent Microsoft update has thrown a wrench into the works, leaving many dual-booters with a frustrating error message: "Something has gone seriously wrong."

The Root of the Problem

The culprit behind this chaos is Secure Boot Advanced Targeting (SBAT), a security update from Microsoft designed to patch vulnerabilities in GRUB, the popular bootloader for Linux. These vulnerabilities could potentially allow attackers to bypass Secure Boot and install malware at the system level.

A Misguided Implementation

While SBAT was intended for Windows devices only, Microsoft did warn that some older Linux installations might be affected. However, the update was inadvertently applied to Windows machines that were dual-booting with the latest releases of Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and other Linux distributions. As a result, booting from ISO files loaded on bootable drives also failed.

Microsoft's Response

Faced with a flood of complaints, Microsoft issued a statement acknowledging the issue. They claimed that the update was not intended to be applied when Linux boot options were detected. However, they admitted that certain secondary boot scenarios were causing problems for some users, including those using outdated Linux loaders with vulnerable code. Microsoft is working with their Linux partners to investigate and address this issue.


Despite Microsoft's claims that dual-booting devices were never affected except for those running older versions of GRUB, many users are experiencing boot problems. As a temporary workaround, users can disable Secure Boot and temporarily remove the Microsoft patch using terminal commands within Linux.

Dual-Booting: A History of Challenges

Dual-booting woes are nothing new. Windows updates and features have a history of wreaking havoc on dual-booting systems. This case highlights how even security updates can introduce unforeseen problems. Dual-booting users need to be vigilant and carefully monitor their operating system updates.

Lessons Learned

This incident underscores the need for better communication and collaboration between Microsoft and Linux distribution developers. Operating system updates should not disrupt the functionality of other systems. Users deserve to rely on security updates to protect their systems, not create new problems. Hopefully, Microsoft and their Linux partners can work together to resolve this issue quickly and ensure a smooth and secure dual-booting experience for all users.

The future of dual-booting hinges on a collaborative approach between Microsoft and Linux developers. We hope this incident will serve as a catalyst for better communication and more robust solutions that don't disrupt the dual-booting landscape.

Stay tuned for updates as this situation unfolds. In the meantime, let us know your experience with this issue in the comments below.
