Thursday, August 4, 2022

How to Block Internet Ads in Your Entire House with Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Zero 2 can become a free ad-blocker on your network in less than an hour, blocking ads on websites and streaming services. Ads are not so bad, as long as the content to ad ratio is reasonable. Unfortunately this is rarely the case.

Pi-hole blocks ads, trackers, and other things network-wide. This means that there is no need to install blockers on every PC or browser, and manage their settings separately. This can help with privacy, network speed, safe surfing, and most importantly, frustration.

Pi-hole does an awesome job of documenting their install process and settings on their website, which youll have to log into your router and change a few things. The YouTube ads can still get through, but with the right settings, you can stop them on 4OD and ITV Player.

The Raspberry Pi Zero 2 is a small and resource-less computer, which makes it the perfect choice for running the project wirelessly.

Yo u can install by  read this documentation:  


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