Friday, February 2, 2024

NodeJS 0xLint is Released

 Today marks a significant milestone as oxlint, a JavaScript linter, is officially released for general availability. The release highlights the team's commitment to efficiently addressing and triaging issues in a timely manner.

Oxlint, designed to catch erroneous or redundant code without requiring any configurations by default, is positioned as a valuable enhancement in scenarios where ESLint's slowness becomes a bottleneck in the development workflow.

How to Use oxlint

While oxlint is not intended to replace ESLint entirely, it serves as a powerful addition to your linting toolkit. For faster feedback loops, it is recommended to run oxlint before ESLint in your lint-staged or CI setup. The tool is optimized to provide quick results, even on large codebases.

To integrate oxlint into your JavaScript/TypeScript codebase, execute the following command at your repository's root directory:

$ npx oxlint@latest

Refer to the installation guide for detailed instructions.


50-100 Times Faster than ESLint:

In real-world scenarios, Shopify reported a drastic reduction in linting time – from a 75-minute ESLint run to just 10 seconds with oxlint. This remarkable speedup is attributed to oxlint's purposeful design for performance, utilizing Rust and parallel processing as key factors.

Lint for Correctness:

Oxlint prioritizes identifying erroneous, redundant, or confusing code over nitpicking rules, categorized as perf, suspicious, pedantic, or style, which are disabled by default.

Ease of Use:

Designed to be zero-config out of the box, oxlint minimizes the complexities of setting up new JavaScript/TypeScript codebases. Adjustments can be easily made through the command-line, with ongoing progress for reading from ESLint configuration files.

Enhanced Diagnostics:

Simplifying the understanding of linter messages, oxlint provides precise information about root causes, eliminating the need for extensive rule documentation reading.

Consolidated Rules:

Oxlint currently does not offer a plugin system, but it actively consolidates rules from popular plugins like TypeScript, React, Jest, Unicorn, JSX-a11y, and Import. The team recognizes the importance of plugins in the JavaScript ecosystem and is exploring a DSL-based plugin system.

Experience the power of oxlint – a standalone linter that eliminates the need for managing a list of plugin dependencies and offers a hassle-free linting experience. Say goodbye to compatibility issues and welcome a seamless linting process with oxlint!


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