Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Python Tutorial with Peewee ORM

 ORM, or Object-Relational Mapping, serves as a bridge between object-oriented programming and relational databases. In Python, ORM frameworks like Peewee facilitate the interaction between Python objects and SQL databases, streamlining database operations and enhancing code readability. Let's delve into how Peewee ORM can be leveraged to work with MySQL databases in Python applications.

Why Choose ORM in Python?

ORM frameworks, such as Peewee, offer numerous advantages for Python developers:

  • Simplified Database Interaction: ORM abstracts SQL queries, allowing developers to work with Python objects instead of dealing directly with database operations.
  • Enhanced Code Portability: By using ORM, developers can write code that is independent of the underlying database system, making it easier to switch between different database engines.
  • Improved Security: ORM frameworks help prevent SQL injection attacks by handling data sanitization and parameterization automatically.
  • Clear Syntax: ORM provides a clear and concise syntax for database queries, improving code maintainability and readability.
  • Simplified Testing: With ORM, developers can manipulate objects in memory during unit testing without the need for a separate database setup, streamlining the testing process.

Introducing Peewee ORM for MySQL

Peewee is a lightweight and easy-to-use ORM library for Python, designed to simplify database interactions. Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up and use Peewee ORM with a MySQL database in Python.

Install MySQL Database

Ensure that the MySQL server and client are installed on your system:

apt install mysql-server mysql-client

Install Required Packages

Install the necessary Python development and MySQL client libraries:

apt-get install python3-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev

Set Up MySQL Database

Access the MySQL service as the root user and create a new database and user account:

CREATE DATABASE dragonballz;

CREATE USER 'my_python_user'@'%';

ALTER USER 'my_python_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123qwe';

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dragonballz.* TO 'my_python_user'@'%';


Install Peewee and Required Python Packages

Install Peewee ORM and the MySQL client package using pip:

pip install peewee mysqlclient

Define Model Classes

Create a Python file and define model classes to represent database tables using Peewee ORM:

from peewee import *

db = MySQLDatabase('dragonballz', user='my_python_user', password='123qwe', host='', port=3306)

class BaseModel(Model):

    class Meta:

        database = db

class Character(BaseModel):

    name = CharField(max_length=255)

    special_move = CharField(max_length=255, null=True)

    ss_level = IntegerField(null=True)

    eye_color = CharField(max_length=255, null=True)

Establish Database Connection

Connect to the MySQL database using the defined credentials:


Copy code


Create Database Tables

Create database tables based on the defined model classes:


Perform Database Operations

Perform database operations such as inserting, querying, and updating data using Peewee ORM:

# Insert data into the 'characters' table

goku = Character.create(name='Goku', special_move='Kamehameha', ss_level=3, eye_color='black')

vegeta = Character.create(name='Vegeta', special_move='Final Flash', ss_level=2, eye_color='black')

# Query all records from the 'characters' table

characters =

# Print queried records

for character in characters:

    print(,, character.special_move, character.ss_level, character.eye_color)

Close Database Connection

Close the connection to the MySQL database when finished:



Peewee ORM simplifies database management in Python, offering a seamless experience for working with MySQL databases. By abstracting SQL queries and providing an intuitive interface, Peewee enables efficient data manipulation and enhances code maintainability. Incorporate Peewee ORM into your Python projects to streamline database interactions and elevate your development workflow.


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