Sunday, April 7, 2024

How to Create Rust Server

 Rust is a popular multiplayer game with a resource gathering and shelter-building system for surviving in harsh environments. If you want to enhance your gameplay or play with other gamers, you can try creating your own Rust server.

In this article, we will explain how to easily create your own Rust server. Whether you're a newcomer or a veteran gamer looking for a new thrill, we'll guide you through setting up and managing your Rust server.

Are you ready to play? Prepare your initial supplies and embark on an exciting adventure in the challenging world of Rust!

Initial Preparations before Creating a Rust Server

Before diving into setting up your Rust server, here are the requirements you'll need:

Operating System: Windows, Linux, or macOS. We recommend a Linux-based operating system for hosting any game server due to its stability and efficiency.

  • CPU: Minimum quad-core processor, or a 6-core processor for larger servers.
  • RAM: Minimum of 8 GB, but 16 GB is recommended to accommodate more players.
  • Storage: Minimum of 20 GB, but you may need larger disk space as your server grows.
  • Internet Connection: Minimum 100 Mbps. A stable and fast connection is crucial for smooth gameplay and facilitating multiple player connections.

How to Create Your Own Rust Server

After meeting all the above Rust game server requirements, let's proceed with the tutorial to set up your Rust server:

Choose the Right Virtual Private Server (VPS)

Selecting the appropriate VPS (virtual private server) is crucial for hosting a new Rust server. The VPS will serve as a dedicated server for your Rust game environment, so it's essential to choose the right hosting provider.

At Hostinger, we offer Minecraft hosting packages ideal for creating Rust servers, offering performance and easy setup for an enjoyable gaming experience. Although designed for Minecraft, these packages can fully accommodate other games, including Rust.

As one of the best VPS providers, the packages available at Hostinger offer various benefits:

  • Premium Hardware: Hostinger's Minecraft VPS uses Intel Xeon processors, an industry-standard, and SSD storage, ensuring fast performance and lag-free gameplay for Rust servers.
  • Multiple Server Locations: With servers located in various locations, Hostinger ensures low latency, which is crucial for smooth Rust gameplay.
  • Instant Setup: The setup process can be completed in less than 5 minutes, allowing your VPS to be up and running promptly.
  • Customization and Control: Full root access to install Rust server mods and plugins allows for comprehensive customization and control over your Rust server environment.
  • Advanced AI Assistant: Hostinger's VPS features an AI Assistant ready to provide assistance, scripts, and commands tailored to your needs.
  • Affordable and Scalable Packages: With prices starting from Rp94,900/month, Hostinger's Minecraft VPS packages can be tailored to your growing Rust server needs.

Start Setting Up the VPS

At Hostinger, you can easily install a Rust server on a Linux VPS. Here's how to use our VPS to create a Rust server:

  • Choose a Minecraft hosting package based on your server size and the number of players, then complete the registration and payment process.
  • Once done, access your VPS dashboard. Here, you'll find options to set up a new VPS package. Click on "Setup" to continue the process.
  • During the setup process, you'll be prompted to choose a server name, set a secure password, and select the data center location closest to most of your players.
  • After the setup is complete, verify if the VPS is up and running. Access the VPS Summary tab on your VPS dashboard. If it's offline, click on "Start" to get it running.
  • Access the SSH access tab to find the details required to access your server.
  • Open a server connection window via the command-line or an SSH client like PuTTY.

Once connected, update your Linux packages to ensure the server is up to date and secure. Run the following Linux command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Install the Rust Server

After your VPS is ready, the next step is to install the dedicated Rust server. Follow the steps below:

Install SteamCMD, the command-line version of the Steam client used to install and update server files for games like Rust. Run:

sudo apt install steamcmd

Install necessary dependencies such as screen or tmux to run server processes in the background. Use the command:

sudo apt-get install screen tmux

Create a dedicated directory for the Rust server files by running the following command:

mkdir rust_server

Inside the desired server folder, use SteamCMD to download server files with the command:

steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir ./rust_server +app_update 258550 +quit

This command guides you to log in to SteamCMD, specify the Rust dedicated server folder, and download the necessary server files. The number 258550 is the Steam application ID for Rust.

Once the installation is complete, the rust_server directory will be the location for all Rust server files. You can access this Rust server folder whenever you need to access your files.

Adjust Server Settings

After successfully installing the Rust server, you can configure the game server to suit your preferences and needs. To begin, open the Rust installation directory using the command:

cd rust_server

The main configuration file in this folder is usually named server.cfg. Open this file using the nano text editor:

nano server.cfg

This file contains various settings that you can modify, such as:

Server Name and Description: Provide a unique name for your server using:

server.hostname "Your Server Name"

To add a server description explaining your server's theme or rules, enter the following command:

server.description "Your Server Description"

Map Type: Choose the type of map you want to use by modifying the following line:

server.level "Procedural Map"

Some map types you can use include:

  • Procedural Map: Randomly generated landscape, offering a unique experience in each game.
  • Barren: Less detailed for better performance, focusing on simpler terrain.
  • Hapis Island: Fixed layout with consistent features for predictable gameplay.
  • Savas Island: Smaller map focused on battles, ideal for faster and more intense matches.
  • Custom Map: Created by the community for modified servers, offering varied and unique designs.
  • Server Port: Ensure the server port is set correctly to allow players to connect by including the following line:

server.port 28015

The default port for Rust game traffic is 28015. For the RCON (Remote Console) protocol, the port is 28016.

Additionally, it's essential to set up port forwarding on your network to allow external connections to the server, such as from a local network.

For Rust, this setting usually involves configuring your router to forward TCP port 28015, ensuring players can connect to your server from outside the network.

Number of Players: Specify the maximum number of players who can join your server:

server.maxplayers 50

Game Mode: Adjust the game mode according to your preferences using the command:

server.pve true

Here are some game mode options you can use:

  • PvE (Player vs. Environment): Set to true to enable a mode focused on survival with minimal or no player combat.
  • PvP (Player vs. Player): Set to false to play Rust in the traditional mode prioritizing player conflict and strategy.
  • Softcore: Set to [appropriate command], reducing death penalties and suitable for less intense experiences.
  • Hardcore: Set to [appropriate command], increasing difficulty and survival challenges for experienced players.
  • Replace [appropriate command] with the actual command for Softcore and Hardcore modes after confirming. These commands can vary and may require specific Rust server configurations.

Other Advanced Settings: Customize crafting speed with:

crafting.instant true

Set day and night cycle lengths using:

env.daylength 45

Specify player gathering speed with:

gather.rate dispenser 2

Configure loot item spawning in the game using various loot configuration lines.

After making changes, press CTRL + X → Y to save them, then press Enter to exit the editor.

Next, restart the server to apply your changes by accessing the Hostinger VPS dashboard and clicking on "Reboot VPS."

This method is used because Rust does not provide a specific restart command in the command prompt.

Launch the Rust Server

Once your Rust server is ready, it's time to launch it and try out the gameplay you've created. Make sure you're in your server directory, then start the Rust server with the following command:

./RustDedicated -batchmode

If you want to customize game settings when starting, use this command:

./RustDedicated -batchmode +server.port 28015 +server.level "Procedural Map" +server.maxplayers 100 +server.hostname "Your Server Name" +server.identity "your_server_identity"

This script will start the Rust server process with parameters such as port, map type, maximum players, server name, and specific server identity.

After starting the server, monitor the server console for any errors or warnings. This is crucial for troubleshooting Rust server startup issues. Specifically, pay attention to messages related to server startup processes, network connectivity, and script execution.

Additionally, check for the presence of the running server in the client-server list to confirm that the startup process was successful.

You can also test the connectivity to the server using the Rust client from your PC. Enter the VPS IP address and port in the following format:

connect 123.456.789.100:28015

Be sure to replace 123.456.789.100 with your actual server IP address.

Manage and Maintain the Rust Server

Effective management and maintenance of your Rust server are crucial for a stable and enjoyable gaming experience. Here are some tips for managing your Rust server to keep it running smoothly:

Backup and Server Maintenance: Regularly back up your server files to prevent data loss. You don't have to worry about handling backups if you're already using the best VPS for hosting Rust servers, such as Hostinger.

With Hostinger, servers are automatically backed up every week. For more frequent backup frequency, you can choose the Upgrade option. For manual backups, use the Create Snapshot option.

Server Performance Optimization: You must monitor and optimize your server's performance. Use Rust-specific tools and plugins to monitor performance, resource usage, and player activity.

Hostinger customers can use the Server Usage option to view CPU usage, RAM usage, disk space, and data traffic information, with statistics available for various time ranges.

You can also use plugins like Battlemetrics or RustAdmin for further optimization and crash prevention.

Player Management: As the server owner, you need to communicate regularly with the player community to address issues or feedback. Use server admin commands to adjust map and world settings and PvP/PvE options to ensure engaging and fair gameplay.

Use the users command to maintain a positive gaming environment based on community input and needs. These options include kick <username> to manage player behavior or ban <username> for more serious violations.

Community Engagement: Build a positive community by setting clear rules, effectively moderating, and encouraging player interaction. Organize regular events or challenges to enhance player engagement.

Additionally, establish open communication with players through forums or chat groups. Hold introduction programs or feedback sessions to build a dynamic and active gaming community.

Server Cleanup and Updates: Regular server cleanup helps keep the game balanced and fresh. Save current settings with server.writecfg before cleaning and inform your community about the server maintenance schedule.

Additionally, ensure your dedicated server is updated with the latest Rust version to improve security and performance and enjoy new features. Run commands like update_oxide or app_update 258550 to update.

Batch File Configuration: For more efficient server administration, consider creating batch script files. These scripts can automate tasks such as starting the server, updating, and backing up. Create these scripts using a text editor and save them in your server directory.

For example, here's the contents of a simple batch file to start the server:


./RustDedicated -batchmode +server.port 28015 +server.level "Procedural Map" +server.maxplayers 100 +server.hostname "Your Server Name"

Batch update server files could be filled with the following script:


steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir ./rust_server +app_update 258550 +quit

For backup, the following batch script may be used:


tar -czvf rust-server-backup.tar.gz /path/to/rust_server/

Make these files executable with chmod +x, then run them from the command line as needed.


In this tutorial, we've covered how to create your own Rust server, from choosing a reliable VPS to launching your server. Now, you're ready to manage your own private Rust server, optimize its performance, and build an exciting gaming community.

Be sure to perform regular maintenance and updates to provide an optimal server experience. Whether creating a private server to play with friends or building a community, we hope this tutorial helps you create an enjoyable gaming experience.


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