Tuesday, April 2, 2024

How to Create SERP Insights with SERPHouse API and PHP

Understanding Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) is paramount for SEO success. Extracting valuable insights such as top rankings, competitor analysis, and keyword trends allows you to fine-tune your SEO strategy and stay ahead in the digital landscape.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how to harness the power of SERPHouse's SERP API using PHP and cURL. Follow along step-by-step to unlock the hidden secrets within SERPs!

Step 1: Setting Up Your SERPHouse Account

Before diving into SERP data exploration, you'll need to create a SERPHouse account. Here's how:

  • Visit SERPHouse and sign up for a free plan.
  • Navigate to your account dashboard to locate your unique API key.
  • Pro Tip: Explore SERPHouse's pricing plans to find the one that best suits your data needs and budget.

Step 2: Understanding the SERPHouse API

SERPHouse provides a robust API for retrieving SERP data from various search engines. Let's grasp the core concepts:

  • Endpoints: Specific URLs within the API catering to different search functionalities.
  • Parameters: Customize your search by specifying parameters like API key, search query, and search engine.
  • Documentation: Refer to SERPHouse's comprehensive API documentation for detailed information on endpoints, parameters, and response formats.

Step 3: Grasping cURL and PHP Fundamentals

To interact with the SERPHouse API programmatically, we'll utilize cURL in PHP. If you're new to cURL, don't worry! Here's a brief overview:

  • cURL Functions: Functions like curl_init, curl_setopt, and curl_exec are used for making HTTP requests.
  • PHP Variables: Store parameters such as API key and search query.
  • Learning Resources: Explore online tutorials and examples for cURL and PHP fundamentals.

Step 4: Building Your PHP Script

Now, let's craft a PHP script to interact with the SERPHouse API. Here's a simplified breakdown:

  • Initialization: Initialize a cURL session using curl_init().
  • Setting the URL: Construct the API URL with parameters.
  • Setting Options: Set cURL options for request method and response format.
  • Executing the Request: Execute the request and store the response.
  • Error Handling: Implement error handling to manage potential issues.
  • Closing the Session: Close the cURL session to release resources.

Code Example:


$apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";

$searchQuery = "SEO best practices";

$url = "https://api.serphouse.com/serp/live?api_key=" . $apiKey . "&q=" . urlencode($searchQuery) . "&engine=google";

$ch = curl_init($url);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);

$response = curl_exec($ch);

if(curl_errno($ch)) {

  echo 'Error: ' . curl_error($ch);

} else {

  $data = json_decode($response, true);

  if (isset($data['organic_results'])) {

    $rank = 1;

    foreach ($data['organic_results'] as $result) {

      echo "Rank: " . $rank . " - Title: " . $result['title'] . " - URL: " . $result['link'] . "\n";



  } else {

    echo "No results found.";





Step 5: Parsing and Utilizing the Data

Once you retrieve the JSON response, you can parse and utilize the data using various PHP functions. For example:

  • Looping through search results to extract relevant information.
  • Analyzing SERP features like featured snippets and related searches.
  • Monitoring keyword rankings over time to evaluate SEO efforts.


By leveraging the SERPHouse SERP API with PHP and cURL, you gain insights that drive your SEO strategy forward. Adapt the provided script to your needs and explore the endless possibilities of SERP data analysis for greater online visibility and success!


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