Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Can Fewer Ads Mean More Money? Testing a Website Revenue Strategy

This blog post dives into a website optimization experiment to see if reducing the number of ads can actually increase revenue. The website in question, run by Lucy, a horse enthusiast, had seen a significant drop in traffic after a Google algorithm update. The culprit? Ads. The website was overloaded with intrusive ads, creating a poor user experience.

The Hypothesis: By reducing the number of ads and improving the overall user experience, the website can attract more visitors and keep them engaged for longer, ultimately leading to higher total ad revenue despite a decrease in earnings per thousand views (EPMV).

The Process:

  1. Ad Reduction: The first step involved analyzing the website's ad layout and placements. The goal was to comply with the Coalition for Better Ads standards, which recommend an ad density below 30% on any given screen. This meant removing in-content ads, video ads (though set to play less frequently), and reducing the number of sidebar ads.
  2. Improved User Experience: A community poll helped identify the most intrusive ad formats. Next came internal linking. The top 10 blog posts by traffic were analyzed, and relevant internal links were added to existing content. This strategy aimed to keep users engaged and exploring the website for longer.

The Results (After 2 Weeks):

  • EPMV: As expected, earnings per thousand views decreased by 17.5%.
  • Total Ad Revenue: Surprisingly, total ad revenue only dropped by 11%.
  • Website Traffic: Sessions on the website increased by 7.5%.

Why This Matters:

This experiment suggests a positive correlation between a better user experience (fewer ads) and increased website traffic. While long-term impacts on ad revenue and Google ranking remain to be seen, the initial results are promising. This approach can help websites:

  • Build Credibility: A positive user experience builds trust with both visitors and Google.
  • Grow Organically: A website with a good reputation attracts more visitors without relying solely on ads.

The Takeaway:

This experiment highlights the importance of user experience in website optimization. Striking a balance between ad revenue and user experience can be key to long-term website success.

Future Steps:

The blog post concludes by mentioning future plans for the website, including exploring social media strategies and content optimization. The progress and impact of these efforts will be covered in future videos.


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