Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Gemini Nano from Google Released, Now Available on Smartphones!

The Google I/O conference is in full swing, and Google is not holding back on introducing new features that leverage AI to make your life easier.

Some of the most exciting features we've seen utilize Gemini Nano, Google's smallest Gemini model. Despite its small size, Gemini Nano is powerful enough to run entirely on-device, enabling it to perform tasks faster than other Gemini versions.

As Google demonstrated on the I/O stage on Tuesday, Gemini Nano can assist users with limited vision by providing more context for text when they receive images. Another cool feature also demoed on stage was Gemini Nano's ability to intercept spam calls.

In the demonstration, an unknown number called the recipient and, with a bit of suspicious info and context, stated that the victim's bank funds were at risk and needed to be moved to a safe location. At that point, Gemini Nano interjected, accurately determining that the call was likely a scam, as banks would never ask you to move your money elsewhere for safekeeping.

While it's reassuring to know that there's something helping you filter out spam calls, it's a bit unsettling to know that AI is listening to your call content. However, that's the new AI-driven world we live in now. Thankfully, since this is Nano we're talking about, the audio is processed on the phone itself, so your data should stay on your device.

Gemini Nano has already been available on Google's Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, but Google is also embedding it into Chrome, starting with version 126. There, Gemini Nano will support AI features including generating text when needed.

The spam call detection feature, in particular, is currently in testing, and Google will have more information "later this summer."

Here are some additional details about the announcements:

  • Gemini Nano is based on Meena, a conversational neural network chatbot developed by Google Research.
  • Gemini Nano has been trained on a massive dataset of text and code, including books, articles, code repositories, and educational materials.
  • Google is committed to developing AI in a responsible way and is working with experts in education and AI ethics to ensure that its AI tools are used in a way that benefits users.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.



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