Thursday, May 16, 2024

How to Use Final2x Software: Enhancing Images with Deep Learning on Linux

 In today's world, Deep Learning has opened up a wide range of new possibilities, including improving image quality. Final2x, a free and open-source GUI program, harnesses the power of Deep Learning to help you enhance your images quickly and easily.

Key Features of Final2x:

  • Ease of Use: Final2x's intuitive interface allows you to drag and drop images or folders for processing.
  • Variety of Upscaling Models: Choose from various models like RealESRGAN, RealCUGAN, and Waifu2x to achieve the desired results for your photos, including anime-style images.
  • GPU Support: Final2x leverages the power of your graphics card (if available) for significantly faster processing compared to CPU usage.
  • Dark Theme: Switch to dark theme for a more comfortable visual experience.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Runs on Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Manjaro, Arch), macOS, and Windows.


  • Linux: Final2x offers easy installation options:
    • Deb package for Ubuntu-based systems.
    • Snap package for universal installation.
    • AppImage for a portable solution.
    • AUR binary package for Arch and Arch-based distros.
  • Other OS: Binary packages are available for macOS and Windows as well.


  • Impressive Speed with GPU: Final2x shines with dedicated graphics card support, drastically reducing processing time compared to CPU reliance.
  • CPU Usage: While slower, CPU processing remains an option for systems without a GPU.


  • Resource Consumption: Final2x can be memory-intensive, especially when using the CPU for processing.
  • Electron Framework: Built with Electron, which may contribute to a larger software footprint.


  • Upscaler and Upscayler: Faces competition from other open-source GUI frontends for image upscaling.


Final2x is an excellent choice for Linux users seeking an easy-to-use tool to enhance their images with the power of Deep Learning. The variety of model options, GPU support, and user-friendly interface make it a valuable addition to your software arsenal. Be mindful of potential memory usage, especially on resource-constrained systems.



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