Sunday, May 12, 2024

Pingora 0.2 Released by CloudFlare, The New NGINX Competitor for Enterprise Grade?

Two years ago, Cloudflare made waves by announcing their ambitious move to replace Nginx with their own creation, Pingora. Fast forward to February of this year, Cloudflare open-sourced Pingora, and in April, the first version was released. Today, Pingora 0.2 marks the second release of this powerful Rust framework, already powering Cloudflare's production environment.

Pingora 0.2 continues Cloudflare's mission to build the ideal Rust platform for crafting fast, reliable, and programmable network systems. It remains laser-focused on security, performance, and customization.

This 0.2 release brings a wave of new features, bug fixes, code optimizations, Zstd updates, and other enhancements. Let's dive into some of the key highlights of Pingora 0.2:

Exciting New Features: Expanding Pingora's Capabilities

Support for h2 Downstream Trailers and h2 Upstream Response Trailer Filtering: Pingora now supports h2 downstream trailers, enabling the transmission of additional information after the response body has been sent. Additionally, h2 upstream response trailer filtering allows modification of response trailers from upstream servers.

  • Configurable TCP Receive Buffer Size: This feature provides finer control over network performance by enabling users to configure the size of the TCP receive buffer.
  • Function for Retrieving Session Digests: This new function simplifies the process of retrieving session digests, which can be used for security and monitoring purposes.
  • body_bytes_read() Method on Session: This method empowers developers to monitor the number of bytes read from a response body, useful for tracking request progress.
  • cache_not_modified_filter: This filter enhances caching efficiency by enabling unmodified responses to be served directly from the cache.
  • SSLKEYLOG Support for Upstream TLS: This feature enables SSL key logging for upstream TLS connections, valuable for debugging and analysis.
  • ServiceDownloads: This addition expands Pingora's functionality by providing a mechanism for downloading additional services.

Beyond the new features, Pingora 0.2 incorporates numerous bug fixes, code optimizations, and library updates, ensuring that Pingora remains stable, efficient, and secure.

Pingora is a promising framework with immense potential to transform how we build and manage network systems. With its focus on speed, reliability, and programmability, Pingora offers a compelling alternative to traditional solutions.

For those interested in delving deeper into Pingora, comprehensive information about the Pingora 0.2 release can be found on their GitHub page. As an open-source project in continual development, the Cloudflare team actively works on bringing new features and enhancements to future releases. Pingora has the potential to revolutionize how we build and run network systems, and Pingora 0.2 marks a significant step in this exciting journey.



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