Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Zuplo API Gateway Release Monetization Option, Monitoring via OpenTelemetry, and a Developer-First Focus Guide

 Zuplo just got even better for developers! This month's release brings exciting features across the board, designed to streamline your API development workflow, enhance monitoring, and unlock new monetization opportunities.

Monetize Your APIs with Zuplo (Available to All Users)

We're thrilled to announce the official launch of Zuplo API Monetization! Now, you can easily monetize your APIs through the developer portal. This update includes:

  • Improved Stripe webhook error handling: Streamlined management of Stripe webhooks for a smoother payment experience.
  • Enhanced documentation: Clearer and more comprehensive documentation for configuring monetization.
  • Editable plans: Tailor your monetization strategy with the ability to create and manage custom plans.

Get started with Zuplo monetization today and start earning from your APIs! For a quick guide, check out our documentation.

Supercharge Your API Monitoring with OpenTelemetry (Zuplo Enterprise Plan)

Gain deeper insights into your API performance with our brand-new OpenTelemetry plugin. This powerful tool allows you to:

  • Trace request timings: Identify bottlenecks and optimize your API performance.
  • Visualize spans: Gain detailed insights into the execution flow of plugins, handlers, and policies.
  • Send trace data to any OpenTelemetry service: Integrate seamlessly with popular services like Honeycomb, Dynatrace, or Jaeger.

Unlock a world of performance insights with the Zuplo OpenTelemetry plugin. Head over to our docs to learn more and activate your Zuplo Enterprise plan.

Developer Portal Enhancements

We've revamped the developer portal to make your Zuplo experience even smoother:

  • Fresh new layout: Enjoy a cleaner and more intuitive design.
  • Developer-friendly fonts: Improved readability for extended coding sessions.
  • CMD+K navigation: Quickly access functionalities with keyboard shortcuts.
  • Consolidated services section: Easily manage API keys, monetization settings, and more in one place.
  • New usage dashboard: Track key metrics like requests, compute usage, and bandwidth consumption.

New In-Built Policies

Empower your API management with two powerful new policies:

  • API Brownout policy: Simulate API outages for controlled user migrations and maintenance windows.
  • Curity Phantom Token policy: Leverage Curity's identity management for enhanced token handling and security.

AI-Powered Documentation Search

Finding the information you need in our extensive documentation just got easier. We've integrated Inkeep's AI-powered search, allowing you to:

  • Quickly locate relevant documentation: Search by keywords and get instant results.
  • Receive AI assistance for common queries: Get helpful suggestions and clarifications directly within the search bar.

Unified Development and Production Environments

Ensure seamless transitions between development and production with our unified environments. This update allows you to:

  • Test changes in a production-like setting: Identify and fix issues before deployment.
  • Experience consistent performance handling: Avoid surprises and ensure your APIs perform as expected.

For a complete breakdown of these features and more, visit our changelog.

We're constantly striving to make Zuplo the best platform for developers. With this April release, we've delivered features that empower you to build, monitor, and monetize your APIs with greater ease and efficiency. Stay tuned for even more exciting updates in the coming months!


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