Saturday, September 21, 2024

FIVE Linux Command to Check Your System is Healthy

With its open-source nature and deep customization options, Linux empowers users with a vast array of tools. While modern graphical interfaces (GUIs) strive to make everything accessible with a click, a fundamental understanding of command-line utilities can prove invaluable for troubleshooting, system monitoring, and general management.

This article explores five essential Linux commands that every user should familiarize themselves with. While you may not need them daily, knowing their existence and primary usage can significantly simplify navigating and understanding your Linux system.

1. top: A Real-time Window into Your System's Processes

The top command provides a dynamic snapshot of all running processes on your system. This real-time list offers valuable information for identifying and managing resource-intensive applications or tracking potential issues.

The output of top is neatly organized into columns, each representing a different aspect of the process:

  • PID: The unique identifier (process ID) for each process.

  • USER: The user account that initiated the process.

  • PR: The priority level of the process.

  • NI: The "nice" value, determining the process' priority relative to others.

  • VIRT: The virtual memory used by the process.

  • RES: The resident memory (RAM) is currently occupied by the process.

  • SHR: The amount of shared memory used by the process.

  • S: The status of the process, categorized as:

    • D: Uninterruptable sleep

    • R: Running

    • S: Sleeping

    • T: Stopped

    • Z: Zombie

  • %CPU: The percentage of CPU time the process consumes since the last update.

  • %MEM: The percentage of physical memory (RAM) used by the process.

  • TIME+: The total CPU time consumed by the process (measured in hundredths of a second).

  • COMMAND: The command associated with the process.

By default, top presents the most relevant information. You can customize the displayed fields using various options, but the default settings suffice for most everyday needs. When paired with the kill command to terminate a runaway process, the top command is particularly useful as it provides the necessary PID for targeted action.

For a comprehensive guide to top and its available options, consult the manual page by executing man top.

2. df: Keeping Tabs on Your Disk Space

Understanding your available storage space is essential for any system user. The df (disk free) command provides a concise report on your disk usage, neatly categorized into columns:

  • Filesystem: The mounted file system.

  • Size: The total size of the filesystem.

  • Used: The amount of space currently occupied.

  • Avail: The amount of free space remaining.

  • Use%: The percentage of disk space currently used.

  • Mounted on: The directory where the filesystem is mounted.

While df displays information in 1K blocks by default, the -h option presents the data in human-readable units like GBs, making it easier to comprehend.

The df command can also pinpoint the mount point for a particular partition, a helpful feature when navigating your system.

Use the command man df for a detailed exploration of df and its various functionalities.

3. ps: A Snapshot of Running Processes

The ps command captures a snapshot of all currently running processes on your system, providing a valuable overview of what's active. However, ps itself only offers a limited view. To obtain a comprehensive list of processes, you'll need to use the -aux option, which stands for "all, user, and all processes owned by you."

This results in a detailed listing of all processes running on your system, including their respective PIDs (Process IDs), user owners, memory usage, and the command associated with them.

The Importance of ps

The ps command is crucial for finding the PID of a specific process, making it easier to manage and terminate programs using commands like kill. Additionally, you can combine ps with grep to efficiently search for specific processes within the output. For instance, if you need to terminate a non-responsive LibreOffice instance, you can execute:

      ps -aux | grep libreoffice

This command will filter the output of ps to show only processes associated with LibreOffice, making it easier to identify the relevant PID.

For an in-depth understanding of ps and its multitude of options, refer to the manual page using man ps.

4. free: Monitoring Your System's Memory Usage

The free command provides a quick overview of your system's memory utilization. Unlike top, which presents a more detailed view of processes, free focuses specifically on memory and swap (if applicable).

The output of free is organized into columns:

  • total: The total installed memory.

  • used: The total amount of memory currently occupied.

  • free: The total amount of unused memory.

  • shared: The memory used by tempfs (temporary file systems).

  • buff/cache: The combined size of buffers and cached memory.

  • available: An estimation of the memory available for launching new applications without requiring swap space.

For enhanced readability, you can use the -h option to present the memory values in human-readable units like MB or GB.

While the free command doesn't offer advanced features, it provides a straightforward way to gauge your system's memory usage at a glance.

For a comprehensive description of the free command, refer to its manual page using man free.

5. lsblk: Exploring Your Block Devices

The lsblk command is a valuable tool for understanding and managing your system's block devices, particularly hard drives and partitions. When executed, lsblk displays a hierarchical representation of your block devices, outlining their relationships and mount points.

The output of lsblk presents information such as:

  • Device: The block device name (e.g., /dev/sdb).

  • Size: The total size of the device.

  • Type: Whether it's a disk or a partition.

  • Mount point: The directory where the device is mounted (if applicable).

You can use the -f option to include the filesystem type in the output for added detail. This helps identify the filesystem used for each device.

lsblk is instrumental for:

  • Mounting devices: Identifying available devices and their mount points for easy mounting.

  • Understanding device hierarchy: Visualizing the relationship between disks and their partitions.

  • Troubleshooting mount issues: Quickly identifying the mount point of a specific device.

For a complete guide to lsblk and its various options, consult the manual page using man lsblk.

Embrace the Power of the Command Line

While GUIs offer a user-friendly approach to interacting with your Linux system, understanding the power of command-line utilities can significantly enhance your overall experience. The five commands discussed in this article provide a solid foundation for managing your system, troubleshooting issues, and gaining a deeper insight into the inner workings of Linux.

By investing time in learning these essential commands, you unlock a world of possibilities and take full control of your Linux experience.


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