Sunday, September 8, 2024

How to Create CI/CD Pipeline with AWS EC2

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) have emerged as essential practices for achieving these goals. CI/CD automates the process of integrating code changes and delivering them to production, fostering better quality, reduced errors, and faster deployment cycles.

This blog post will guide you through the fundamentals of CI/CD, explore the benefits of using Jenkins as your CI/CD tool, and demonstrate how to set up Jenkins on AWS EC2 with Docker integration.

Understanding the CI/CD Pipeline

At its core, the CI/CD pipeline is a series of automated steps designed to streamline the software development process. Here's a breakdown of the standard steps:

1. Unit Testing: This initial step ensures individual components of the code function correctly. Unit tests verify that each piece of the application performs as expected.

2. Static Code Analysis: Static code analysis goes beyond functional correctness. It analyzes the code for potential bugs, adherence to coding standards, and style violations. This helps identify and address issues before they become major problems.

3. Code Quality/Vulnerability Checks: This step goes beyond functionality and checks for security vulnerabilities and performance issues. Tools can identify potential weaknesses in the code and ensure its robustness and security.

4. Automation: The heart of CI/CD lies in automation. Automating the build, test, and deployment processes eliminates manual tasks and streamlines the development workflow.

5. Reports: Comprehensive reports provide feedback on the results of each stage. These reports offer valuable insights into test results, code quality, and other relevant metrics.

6. Deployment: The final step in the pipeline involves automating the delivery of the code to production or staging environments. This allows for rapid deployment and reduces the risk of errors associated with manual deployments.

Jenkins: Your CI/CD Powerhouse

Jenkins is a leading open-source tool for automating the CI/CD pipeline. Its popularity stems from several key advantages:

1. Open-Source & Free: Jenkins is free to use and readily available, making it an accessible choice for any development team.

2. Extensive Plugin Ecosystem: Jenkins boasts a vast collection of plugins that extend its functionality and integrate with various tools. This makes it highly adaptable to different project needs.

3. Master-Worker Architecture: Jenkins supports a distributed system with a master node managing and worker nodes executing tasks. This allows for scaling the CI/CD pipeline to accommodate complex projects.

4. Seamless Integration: Jenkins integrates seamlessly with various tools like Docker, AWS, Git, and more, allowing for smooth and efficient integration within your existing infrastructure.

Setting up Jenkins on AWS EC2 with Docker Integration

Now let's dive into the hands-on process of setting up Jenkins on AWS EC2 with Docker integration:

1. Set Up an EC2 Instance:

  • Launch an AWS EC2 instance, preferably using Ubuntu, to host your Jenkins server.

2. Security Group Configuration:

  • In the EC2 security group settings, add inbound rules for:

    • Custom TCP on port 8080 (Jenkins)

    • SSH access via port 22

3. Access Jenkins:

  • Access Jenkins through the public IP address of your EC2 instance using the URL: http://<public_ip>:8080.

  • Log in using the admin username and password provided during the Jenkins setup process.

4. Jenkins Master and Worker Nodes:

  • Master Node: The central server that manages job scheduling and execution within the CI/CD pipeline.

  • Worker Nodes: Servers that execute the build and test jobs distributed by the master node.

5. Installing Docker as a Jenkins Agent:

  • Why Docker?: Docker simplifies the creation of isolated, reproducible environments for each build, enhancing build reliability and management.

  • Installation:

    • Use the following command to install Docker on your EC2 instance:

            sudo apt install

  • Grant Jenkins Access to Docker:

    • Provide Jenkins with access to Docker:

            sudo usermod -aG docker jenkins

  • Install Docker Pipeline Plugin:

    • Navigate to "Manage Jenkins" → "Manage Plugins."

    • Search for and install the "Docker Pipeline" plugin.

6. Docker as an Agent:

  • Configure Jenkins to utilize Docker as an agent, allowing for the creation of isolated build environments.

7. Further Configuration:

  • Adjust the configuration based on your specific environment and project requirements.

Understanding the Components in Detail

  • Jenkins Master: The central controller that orchestrates job scheduling and execution, directing worker nodes to perform the necessary tasks.

  • Jenkins Worker Nodes: Servers that execute the build and test jobs assigned by the master node.

  • Docker as Agent: By utilizing Docker as an agent, Jenkins creates isolated environments for each build. This ensures consistency and improves the manageability of the entire process.


Mastering CI/CD using Jenkins and Docker is crucial for achieving efficient and reliable software development. This blog post provided a comprehensive guide to setting up Jenkins on AWS EC2 and integrating Docker to enhance your CI/CD pipeline. By leveraging these powerful tools, you can automate your workflow, improve code quality, and deliver software faster and more effectively. Remember to adapt the configuration and integrate additional tools to meet the specific needs of your project.


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