Thursday, September 12, 2024

How to Identify Branded Keywords with Semrush

Understanding your audience's search intent is paramount. This is where branded keyword research comes into play. It's the process of uncovering the specific terms people use when searching for your brand or its products/services online.

By delving into these keywords, you gain invaluable insights into how potential customers perceive your brand and what they are looking for. This knowledge empowers you to optimize your website, content, and online presence to attract a targeted audience and boost your online visibility.

This comprehensive guide will explore six effective methods to identify your branded keywords, equipping you with the tools to unlock your brand's full digital potential.

1. Semrush Organic Research: A Treasure Trove of Branded Keywords

Semrush is a powerful SEO tool that offers a dedicated "Organic Research" tool. This feature acts as a goldmine for discovering branded keywords that your website already ranks for.

Here's how to use it:

  • Log into your Semrush account.

  • Navigate to the "SEO" section and click on "Organic Research" in the left sidebar.

  • Input your brand's domain name and select the target country.

  • Click "Search" to initiate the analysis.

  • Switch to the "Positions" tab.

  • Click "Advanced filters" and refine your search to include "Branded" keywords.

  • Click "Apply" to view the filtered list of branded keywords.

This comprehensive report showcases a wealth of information for each keyword:

  • Your ranking position: This reveals your current performance for each branded term.

  • Domain URL: Identifies the specific page on your website that ranks for the keyword.

  • SERP features: Highlights the presence of valuable features like featured snippets or "People Also Ask" boxes that can influence your visibility.

The "Positions" filter allows you to further refine your search by specifying specific ranking positions. For instance, focusing on keywords ranked 11-20 helps identify areas for improvement to boost your rankings.

2. Competitive Advantage: Unveiling Branded Keywords with Semrush Keyword Gap

Stay ahead of the competition by utilizing Semrush's "Keyword Gap" tool. This feature enables you to analyze the branded keywords that your competitors are ranking for, but you are not.

Follow these steps:

  • Access the "Keyword Gap" tool under the "SEO" section in Semrush.

  • Click "+ Add up to 3 competitors" to include multiple competitors' domains.

  • Enter the root domains for your brand and at least two competitors.

  • Choose the target country for your analysis.

  • Click "Compare" to initiate the comparison.

  • Access "Advanced Filters" and refine the search to "Include" keywords "Containing" your brand name.

  • Click "Apply" to view the filtered list.

  • Click "Missing" to access a list of branded keywords that your competitors are all ranking for, but you are not.

  • Sort the rankings by a competitor's domain to identify keywords where they hold a high position, offering potential opportunities for you.

This competitive analysis empowers you to identify areas where you can close the gap with your competitors by targeting these missed branded keywords.

3. Harnessing Google Autocomplete: A Treasure Trove of User Intent

Google's autocomplete feature offers valuable insights into user search queries. It suggests potential keywords based on the brand name you enter in the search bar.

Here's how to leverage this feature:

  • Go to the Google homepage and start typing your brand name in the search bar.

  • Observe the suggested keywords that appear as you type.

  • Continue typing "a," "b," "c," and so on, replacing the letter with each letter of the alphabet.

  • Pay close attention to the suggestions that appear with each letter.

Google's autocomplete provides a real-time glimpse into user search intent and the branded keywords they use to find information related to your brand.

4. The Power of "People Also Ask" and "People Also Search For"

Google's search engine results pages (SERPs) offer valuable keyword suggestions through the "People also ask" (PAA) and "People also search for" (PASF) sections.

Here's how to utilize these sections:

  • Search Google for your brand name.

  • Carefully review the PAA and PASF sections below the main search results.

  • These sections offer relevant keywords that users are frequently searching for.

These keywords provide insight into related topics and questions that users have about your brand, allowing you to expand your content strategy.

5. Google Search Console: Understanding User Clicks

Google Search Console (GSC) offers valuable insights into the branded keywords driving traffic to your website.

Here's how to leverage GSC for branded keyword research:

  • Access your Google Search Console account.

  • Navigate to "Search results" in the left sidebar.

  • Enable the "Total clicks" report by clicking on the corresponding tab.

  • Click "+ New" > "Query..." to create a new filter.

  • In the "Filter" section, choose "Custom (regex)."

  • Enter your branded keywords in the query field, separated by a pipe symbol (|).

  • Click "Apply" to view the filtered list.

This report showcases branded keywords that have driven clicks to your website, providing a clear indication of what users are searching for and clicking on.

6. Google Analytics 4: Tracking Organic Keyword Performance

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) offers a comprehensive view of the organic keywords users utilize to visit your website, including those related to your brand.

Follow these steps:

  • Ensure your GA4 property is connected to your Google Search Console account.

  • Navigate to "Reports" > "Search Console" > "Queries" in the GA4 sidebar.

  • Enter your brand name in the search bar above the keywords list.

  • Press "Enter" to filter the report and display only branded keywords.

This report provides valuable insights into the performance of your branded keywords, including their click-through rate, bounce rate, and conversion rates.

Example Branded Keywords:

Brand Name + Product/Service:

  • Nike Air Max
  • Apple iPhone
  • Tesla Model 3
  • Amazon Prime
  • Spotify Premium
  • Starbucks Frappuccino
  • Netflix Original Series
  • Google Maps
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Adobe Photoshop

Brand Name + Action/Question:

  • How to use [Brand Name]
  • [Brand Name] reviews
  • [Brand Name] customer service
  • [Brand Name] coupon code
  • [Brand Name] login

Brand Name + Competitor:

  • [Brand Name] vs [Competitor Name]
  • [Brand Name] or [Competitor Name]
  • [Brand Name] vs [Similar Product/Service]

Brand Name + Location:

  • [Brand Name] near me
  • [Brand Name] in [City/State]

Remember: These are just examples. To find the most relevant keywords for your brand, you'll need to do your own research using the techniques outlined in the previous response.

Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Branded Keyword Research

By employing these six effective methods for identifying branded keywords, you gain a comprehensive understanding of your brand's online presence. This data empowers you to optimize your website, content, and digital marketing efforts to effectively engage your target audience.

Remember, consistent monitoring and ongoing research are essential for staying ahead of the curve and adapting to the ever-evolving digital landscape. By embracing these techniques, you position your brand for success in the competitive online world.


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