Sunday, September 22, 2024

How to Setting Up SMB Shares on Ubuntu

This guide will walk you through setting up SMB (Server Message Block) shares on an Ubuntu server, enabling seamless file access from your Windows machines. Whether you're looking to back up your critical data, collaborate on projects, or simply streamline file sharing, this guide provides a detailed roadmap.


Before diving in, ensure you have the following:

  • An Ubuntu server (command-line access is sufficient)

  • A Windows machine for testing SMB access

  • Familiarity with basic terminal commands

Step 1: Installing Samba – The Gateway to Sharing

Samba is the key to enabling SMB shares on your Ubuntu server. Begin by updating your package list:

      sudo apt update

Then, install Samba:

      sudo apt install samba

Step 2: Creating Your Shared Spaces

Next, create the directories you'll use for sharing. For this example, we'll create two shared directories:

      sudo mkdir -p /shared_drive1
      sudo mkdir -p /media/external_drive

Step 3: Connecting an External Drive (Optional)

If you'd like to share an external USB drive, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Drive: Use the command lsblk to list all connected storage devices and identify your external drive (e.g., /dev/sdb1).

  2. Create a Mount Point: If you haven't already, create a mount point for the external drive:

          sudo mkdir -p /media/external_drive

  3. Mount the Drive: Mount the external drive with appropriate permissions for your Samba user (e.g., "SAMBA_USER"):

          sudo mount -t exfat -o uid=$(id -u SAMBA_USER),gid=$(id -g SAMBA_USER) /dev/sdb1 /media/external_drive

Step 4: Making the Mount Permanent

To ensure your external drive mounts automatically at system startup, edit the /etc/fstab file:

      sudo nano /etc/fstab

Add the following line at the end of the file, replacing 1500 with the UID and GID of your "SAMBA_USER":

      /dev/sdb1 /media/external_drive exfat defaults,uid=1500,gid=1500 0 0

Save the file (Ctrl + O), exit the editor (Ctrl + X), and mount the drive:

      sudo mount -a

Step 5: Configuring Samba for Sharing

Open the Samba configuration file:

      sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

Add the following sections at the bottom of the file. Replace "SHAREDDRIVE1" and "EXTERNALDRIVE" with the names you want to use for your shared directories, and "SAMBA_USER" with your chosen Samba username:

path = /shared_drive1
valid users = SAMBA_USER
read only = no
browsable = yes

path = /media/external_drive
valid users = SAMBA_USER
read only = no
browsable = yes

Save and exit the file.

Step 6: Creating and Configuring a Samba User

Create a new Samba user with the same name you used in the smb.conf file:

      sudo smbpasswd -a SAMBA_USER

You'll be prompted to enter and confirm the password for this user.

Step 7: Fine-Tuning Permissions

Ensure proper ownership and permissions for your shared directories:

sudo chown -R SAMBA_USER /shared_drive1
sudo chown -R SAMBA_USER /media/external_drive
sudo chmod 775 /shared_drive1
sudo chmod 775 /media/external_drive

Step 8: Restarting the Samba Service

Restart the Samba service to apply the changes:

      sudo systemctl restart smbd

Step 9: Accessing the SMB Shares from Windows

On your Windows machine, press Win + R and type \\server_name (replace "server_name" with the hostname or IP address of your Ubuntu server). You should see "SHAREDDRIVE1" and "EXTERNALDRIVE" listed as available shares.

Log in with the username "SAMBA_USER" and the password you set in Step 6. You can now access and modify files within the shared directories from your Windows machine.

Potential Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

  • Permission Denied Errors:

    • Double-check directory ownership and permissions.

    • Verify that the UID and GID values in /etc/fstab match your Samba user's.

  • Mount Issues with External Drives:

    • If the drive is "busy," identify and terminate any processes accessing it using lsof /media/external_drive.

    • Always unmount the drive (sudo umount /media/external_drive) before making any changes.

  • Samba Configuration Changes Not Taking Effect:

    • Ensure you've restarted the Samba service (sudo systemctl restart smbd) after making changes.

  • Testing Issues from Windows:

    • Disconnect and reconnect any mapped drives to refresh permissions.

By following these steps, you've successfully set up secure SMB shares on your Ubuntu server. You can now enjoy reliable and convenient access to your shared data from your Windows machines.


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