Tuesday, September 3, 2024

How to Solved "EPERM: operation not permitted" on SvelteKit Development Server

Ever encountered the frustrating "EPERM: operation not permitted" error when running your SvelteKit development server, specifically targeting the .svelte-kit/types/src/routes\$types.d.ts file? This guide will equip you with practical solutions to overcome this issue and get your SvelteKit project running smoothly.

Understanding the "EPERM" Error

The "EPERM" error typically surfaces when your program lacks sufficient permissions to access or modify a specific file. In this case, SvelteKit struggles to access the .svelte-kit/types/src/routes\$types.d.ts file, crucial for its development server functionality.

Why This Error Occurs

The root of this issue usually lies within improper NPM configuration. By default, NPM stores its configuration and cache data within the C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm folder. However, this folder sometimes lacks the necessary permissions for SvelteKit to access, leading to the dreaded "EPERM" error.

The Practical Solution: Modifying NPM Configuration

Here's how to tackle this "EPERM" error on your SvelteKit development server:

  1. Clear NPM Cache: Begin by clearing your NPM cache using the following command:

          npm cache clean --force

    This command eliminates any cached data that might be causing the issue.

  2. Edit NPM Configuration: Run Command Prompt (CMD) as administrator. Then, execute the following command:

          npm config edit

    This command opens the NPM configuration file in Notepad.

  3. Modify the "prefix" Variable: Locate the "prefix" variable within the configuration file. Change its value to C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm, ensuring to replace "user" with your actual username. For example:


    Save the changes and close Notepad.

  4. Restart the Development Server: Re-run your SvelteKit development server.

Explanation of the Solution

By altering the "prefix" variable in the NPM configuration, you're effectively instructing NPM to utilize the correct folder for storing its data and cache. This ensures SvelteKit has the required permissions to access the necessary files and smoothly execute its development server.


The "EPERM: operation not permitted" error during SvelteKit development server startup can be effectively resolved by adjusting the NPM configuration. This solution involves clearing the NPM cache and directing NPM to use the appropriate folder for data storage. By following these steps, you can overcome this obstacle and run your SvelteKit development server without any further hiccups.

Happy coding!

via emka.web.id


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