Tuesday, September 10, 2024

rlxos 2.0 "Sankalpa" Released, A New Era of User-Friendly Linux

The wait is over! We are thrilled to unveil rlxos 2.0, codenamed "Sankalpa" – a Sanskrit word signifying "determination." This release embodies our unwavering commitment to crafting a Linux distribution that prioritizes safety, reliability, and user-friendliness. Prepare to experience a revolution in how you interact with Linux, thanks to major advancements in both technology and design.

Ignite: A New Dawn for rlxos Development

At the heart of rlxos 2.0 lies "Ignite," our revamped build system. Ignite elevates the reproducibility of rlxos, ensuring consistent results regardless of the build environment. This means every aspect of rlxos can be recreated with identical output, enhancing code trust and simplifying system debugging.

A User Interface Reborn: Beauty and Simplicity Merge

rlxos 2.0 is not just about power; it's about making that power accessible and visually appealing. We've implemented significant UI/UX enhancements to ensure an intuitive and enjoyable experience.

Immerse Yourself in Smooth Animations

From the moment you boot rlxos, you'll be greeted by graceful animations that elevate the visual polish. Every action feels more fluid and refined.

Refined Aesthetics with Updated Themes and Fonts

We've meticulously redesigned theming components, including drop-down menus and panels, optimizing spacing and translucency. Embrace the beauty of Fira Code, our new monospace font, renowned for its stylish coding ligatures, a delight for developers.

Effortless App Navigation

Finding and launching applications is now a breeze with the new grid-based app menu. It's organized, visually pleasing, and works seamlessly on both desktops and touchscreens.

Shell Enhancements for Seamless Productivity

The default shell has been replaced with zsh, preconfigured with auto-suggestions and helpful plugins. Command line access has never been more intuitive.

Software Management Simplified

Say goodbye to complex software installation processes. rlxos 2.0 introduces a graphical software manager, allowing you to effortlessly install, update, and manage Flatpak applications with just a few clicks.

Sysroot: Revolutionizing System Management

We've bid farewell to the old swupd tool and embraced Sysroot, our powerful new system management tool that empowers users with unparalleled flexibility:

  • Switch Update Channels: Choose between the stable and reliable update channel or opt for the unstable channel for faster access to the latest features.

  • Add Extensions: Extend your rlxos experience by installing extension packs tailored to your needs. Choose from developer tools, virtualization with QEMU, or window managers like i3 and Sway.

Small But Significant Improvements

Beyond the major changes, we've made numerous small improvements that elevate the overall rlxos experience:

  • Faster Setup: Search for your timezone during initial setup, streamlining the onboarding process.

  • Welcome App: The welcome app now guides you through theme and HiDPI settings upon installation.

  • Uniform Looks: libadwaita is patched to align with the system theme.

  • CA-Certificates Fix: Eliminate issues with invalid certificates after system updates. Certificates are now automatically included and updated.

Transparency: Acknowledging Known Issues

While rlxos 2.0 boasts significant improvements, we strive for transparency. Here are some known issues you might encounter:

  • Initial Login on QEMU: When running rlxos on QEMU-based virtual machines, the initial login at the login manager might fail. This issue does not affect real hardware. Simply retry the login if you encounter this.

  • Manuals and Documentations: Man pages and documentation might be unavailable for certain apps and commands.

  • Parole: The default video and music player, Parole, might not play videos correctly on specific graphics hardware.

  • Sysroot Extensions at Initial Boot: While not a bug, this behavior might be confusing for new users. Sysroot requires a "previous system state" to add extensions, but this state is not available on the first boot. Simply run a system update using Sysroot to create the necessary state, allowing seamless extension addition after rebooting.

  • QEMU Extensions: Networking with virt-manager from QEMU extensions might not function correctly due to the default network configuration.

  • Sway on NVIDIA: Sway extensions might fail to start or function properly on systems with NVIDIA GPUs.

  • Software Center Theme: Upon initial launch, the Software Center might use the Adwaita (light) theme instead of the rlxos default dark theme. To resolve this, navigate to Settings -> Appearances and switch themes. We've patched libadwaita to use the system theme in future updates.

rlxos 2.0 Sankalpa: The Determination for a Better Linux

rlxos 2.0 is driven by a resolute determination to provide a superior, safer, and more reliable Linux experience. Whether you are a developer, a tech enthusiast, or simply seeking a fresh and user-friendly Linux experience, rlxos 2.0 is built for you.

Download rlxos 2.0 today and embark on a new era of Linux exploration!


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