Wednesday, October 2, 2024

How to Create Wildcard SSL Certificate on Lets Encrypt

Let's Encrypt, a trusted provider of free SSL certificates, offers a convenient solution for this through wildcard certificates. Unlike standard SSL certificates, which secure a single domain, wildcard certificates provide the ability to secure all subdomains under a single certificate. This means you can secure *, encompassing any subdomain like '' or '', without the need for individual certificates.

This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to obtain and install a Let's Encrypt wildcard certificate, covering all the essential steps and considerations.

Installing Certbot: The Foundation of Your Secure Journey

Certbot is the recommended tool for interacting with Let's Encrypt. It simplifies the certificate acquisition process, making it accessible for users with varying technical expertise. The first step is ensuring you have the latest version of Certbot installed. This can be done through various methods, depending on your operating system. For example, on Ubuntu, you can use the following commands:

snap install core; snap refresh core
apt-get remove certbot
snap install --classic certbot
ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot

Requesting Your Wildcard Certificate: Securing Your Subdomains

Once Certbot is installed, you can request the wildcard certificate. This requires specifying both the base domain and the wildcard domain. The following command demonstrates how to obtain a certificate using the DNS challenge method, which is the preferred choice for wildcard certificates:

certbot certonly \
    --manual \
    --preferred-challenges=dns \
    --server \
    --agree-tos \
    -d \
    -d *

It is crucial to include both the base domain ('') and the wildcard domain ('*') in the command. Omitting the base domain will result in the certificate not covering the base domain itself.

Managing Certificate Renewal: Ensuring Continuous Security

Wildcard certificates, due to their reliance on DNS challenges, require a manual approach to renewal. This is because Certbot cannot automatically modify DNS records. You need to manually renew the certificate before its expiry.

Streamlining Renewal with Your DNS Provider: A Seamless Approach

To streamline certificate renewal, integrating Let's Encrypt with your DNS provider is highly recommended. Tools like Cloudflare offer user-friendly solutions for managing DNS records and seamlessly integrating with Let's Encrypt. For users employing Cloudflare's DNS, a detailed guide on connecting Let's Encrypt to Cloudflare can be found at This integration simplifies the renewal process, eliminating manual intervention and ensuring continuous security.

Conclusion: Embracing a Secure Future

Let's Encrypt wildcard certificates offer a streamlined and secure way to protect your entire subdomain ecosystem. By leveraging Certbot and, if necessary, integrating with your DNS provider, you can easily obtain, manage, and renew these valuable certificates.

Remember, a secure website is a trustworthy website. Let's Encrypt's wildcard certificates empower you to build confidence in your online presence. It is an investment in your digital security, safeguarding your website and your users.


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