Saturday, March 30, 2024

Apache Hadoop HDFS Shell Commands: A Handy Cheat Sheet for Hadoop Users

Managing files and directories in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is essential for any Hadoop user. Here's a quick cheat sheet of HDFS shell commands to help you navigate and manipulate your data efficiently:

mkdir: Create a new directory in HDFS.

bin/hadoop dfs -mkdir /datagen

Copy from Local: Copy a file from your local system to HDFS.

bin/hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal /home/ec2-user/data_10.txt /sample.txt

ls: List all directories in HDFS.

bin/hadoop dfs -ls /

lsr: Recursive version of the ls command, listing all directories and subdirectories.

bin/hadoop dfs -lsr /

Copy to Local: Copy a file from HDFS to your local system.

bin/hadoop dfs -copyToLocal /sample.txt /home/ec2-user/data_10.txt

cp: Copy files from a source location to a destination location in HDFS.

bin/hadoop dfs -cp /sample.txt /data_10.txt

mv: Move files from a source location to a destination location in HDFS.

bin/hadoop dfs -mv /sample.txt /sample2.txt

rm: Delete a file from HDFS.

bin/hadoop dfs -rm /sample.txt

rmr: Recursive version of the delete command, deleting directories and all their contents.

bin/hadoop dfs -rmr /datagen

tail: Display the last kilobyte of a file in HDFS.

bin/hadoop dfs -tail /sample.txt

These commands are invaluable for managing your HDFS files and directories effectively. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Hadoop user, this cheat sheet will come in handy for your Hadoop data management tasks.


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