Tuesday, April 2, 2024

What's New in Ubuntu 24.04?

Considering whether to upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04, also known as "Noble Numbat," involves weighing the new features and improvements against potential drawbacks and your individual needs. Let's break down the key points to help you make an informed decision:

What's New in Ubuntu 24.04?

  • Familiar Desktop Experience: Ubuntu 24.04 offers a desktop experience that Ubuntu users will find reassuringly familiar, with tweaks to the default interface.
  • Gnome 46: This version features Gnome 46, customized to maintain Ubuntu's distinctive look and feel.
  • Overhauled Settings Menu: The Settings menu has been overhauled for improved usability and accessibility.
  • Updated Files App: The Files app includes enhancements, particularly in the search function.
  • Software Store Update: Ubuntu's software store has also been updated for better performance and user experience.

Should You Upgrade?

Existing User or Curious Newcomer:

  • If you're already an Ubuntu user, or if you're curious to try out the latest features, an upgrade may be worthwhile.
  • Newcomers to Ubuntu might find version 24.04 appealing for its modern interface and updated software.

Clean Installation vs. In-Place Upgrade:

  • Consider whether you prefer a clean installation or an in-place upgrade. A clean installation may offer a smoother experience and fewer compatibility issues.
  • Back up your important files before upgrading to avoid data loss.

Patience vs. Immediate Installation:

  • If you're willing to wait for the first point release (24.04.1), you may encounter fewer bugs and issues.
  • Immediate installation may be suitable for enthusiasts who want to experience the latest features firsthand.

Consider Older Releases:

  • Older LTS releases are still supported and may be preferable for users with older hardware or a preference for stability over new features.
  • Ubuntu Pro subscription offers extended support for up to 12 years, making it suitable for long-term use.


Ultimately, the decision to upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 depends on your preferences, needs, and willingness to embrace new features and potential challenges. Whether you choose to upgrade immediately or wait for subsequent releases, Ubuntu offers options to cater to a variety of users' preferences and requirements.


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