Sunday, May 12, 2024

How to Fix Error Event ID 1797: in Windows

Event ID 1797 in your Windows event log can be a cause for concern, but understanding its meaning and resolution is crucial for maintaining a secure and smoothly functioning system. This article delves into the details of Event ID 1797, explaining why it occurs, its implications, and how to rectify it.

Decoding Event ID 1797: Why Does It Appear?

At the heart of Event ID 1797 lies the concept of Secure Boot, a fundamental security feature in modern Windows systems. Secure Boot relies on digital certificates to verify the authenticity of the operating system and other boot components before they load, preventing malicious software from hijacking the boot process. Two critical certificates involved in this process are:

  • Windows UEFI CA 2023: This certificate is paramount for ensuring the integrity of the Secure Boot process in recent Windows versions.
  • Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011: This certificate plays a supporting role in Secure Boot and is also essential for maintaining security.

Event ID 1797 appears in the event log when your computer encounters an issue locating the Windows UEFI CA 2023 certificate during startup. This absence hinders Windows from updating the DBX, a database containing information about revoked or untrusted boot components.

The Implications of Event ID 1797

Though Event ID 1797 might not immediately impact your PC's functionality, it signifies a potential security vulnerability. The inability to update the DBX implies that your system may not be equipped to identify and block known malicious bootloaders. While this doesn't necessarily mean your PC is compromised, it highlights an increased susceptibility to threats. Updating the DBX with the latest revocation information and ensuring the presence of the UEFI CA 2023 certificate are essential steps in strengthening your PC's security posture.

Resolving Event ID 1797: A Step-by-Step Guide

The primary cause behind Event ID 1797 is the absence of the Windows UEFI CA 2023 certificate on your PC. Rectifying this issue involves deploying the DB update manually using the Registry Editor and then verifying its successful implementation using PowerShell. Follow these steps to address the issue:

1. Deploy the DB Update via Registry Editor:

Open the Registry Editor by pressing the Windows key + R, typing "regedit," and pressing Enter.

Navigate to the following path within the Registry Editor: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecureBoot

Locate the entry named AvailableUpdates and double-click it.

Change the Value Data to 0x40 and click OK to save the changes.

Reboot your PC to allow the DB update to take effect.

2. Verify the DB Update Using PowerShell:

Right-click the Windows Start button and select "Terminal (Admin)."

Paste the following command into the terminal and press Enter: [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString((Get-SecureBootUEFI db).bytes) -match 'Windows UEFI CA 2023'

If the command returns "True," the update has been successful. If it returns "False," try restarting your PC again to ensure the DB update is applied correctly.

Additional Recommendations:

Ensure all available firmware updates for your system are installed, as they often include updates for the Secure Boot system.

Keep your Windows installation up to date with the latest security patches and updates.

By following these steps, you can effectively address Event ID 1797, update your Secure Boot DBX, and enhance the overall security of your Windows PC. Regularly checking your event log for any recurring instances of this event and taking appropriate action will ensure your system remains protected from evolving threats. 



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