Sunday, May 12, 2024

How to Use MingleJS: Bring Vue/React Component to Livewire/Filament

The world of web development offers a rich tapestry of JavaScript frameworks, each with its own strengths and quirks. This diversity, while empowering, can lead to dilemmas when choosing the best tool for specific components within a project. Enter MingleJS, a library that seamlessly integrates Vue and React components into Livewire or Filament applications. Developed by Joao Patricio, MingleJS is a boon for developers working with landing pages or complex components that demand the unique capabilities of Vue or React. It also provides a bridge for gradual adoption of Livewire and facilitates the utilization of third-party components from the vast Vue and React ecosystems.

Under the Hood: How MingleJS Operates

MingleJS employs a server-side rendering approach, followed by client-side component mounting. Livewire components on the server render each JS component, resulting in isolated JavaScript interactivity on the front-end, encapsulated within the Livewire component. This mechanism allows the backend to transmit data seamlessly to the front-end components.

Illustrating MingleJS in Action

Let's dive into a practical example showcasing the implementation of MingleJS within a Livewire component:

namespace App\Livewire;

use Ijpatricio\Mingle\Concerns\InteractsWithMingles;

use Ijpatricio\Mingle\Contracts\HasMingles;

use Livewire\Component;

class ChatApp extends Component implements HasMingles


use InteractsWithMingles;

public function component(): string


    return 'resources/js/ChatApp/index.js';


public function mingleData()


    return [

        'message' => 'Message in a bottle 🍾',



// ...


A Mingle component comprises three core elements:

A Livewire component incorporating the InteractsWithMingles trait.

A JavaScript file serving as the "glue" between Livewire and the front-end component.

The front-end component file itself.

Below is an example of a Mingle component utilizing React:

// resources/js/ChatApp/index.js

import mingle from '@mingle/mingleReact'

import ChatApp from './ChatApp.jsx'

mingle('resources/js/ChatApp/index.js', ChatApp)

// resources/js/ChatApp/ChatApp.jsx

import React from 'react'

function ChatApp({wire, …props}) {

const message = props.mingleData.message

console.log(message) // 'Message in a bottle 🍾'


    .then(data => {

        console.log(data) // 4


return (

{/* */}
) }

Embarking on Your MingleJS Journey

Eager to explore the potential of MingleJS? The MingleJS documentation is your comprehensive guide to get started. For a hands-on experience, the creator of MingleJS has made available an open-source demo MingleJS application and a live demo for you to experiment with.

MingleJS: Expanding the Horizons of Web Development

MingleJS empowers developers to leverage their preferred JavaScript frameworks within the context of Livewire or Filament development. It fosters flexibility and opens new avenues for creativity, enabling developers to build web applications with unprecedented versatility.


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