Sunday, September 8, 2024

How to Use Functional Option on Golang

This tutorial provides an elegant way to configure structs, enabling you to create adaptable and extensible code. This blog post dives into the world of functional options, exploring their benefits, providing practical examples, and demonstrating how this approach can be seamlessly integrated into modern Go applications.

The Limitations of Traditional Configuration

Let's start by understanding the shortcomings of conventional configuration methods in Go. Traditionally, configuring a struct involves passing numerous parameters to its constructor or directly setting its fields. While this approach works for simple cases, it becomes cumbersome and error-prone as the number of configurable options grows.

Consider this basic example:

      type Config struct {
	Name  string
	Value int

func NewConfig(name string, value int) *Config {
	return &Config{
		Name:  name,
		Value: value,

config := NewConfig("default", 10)

This approach lacks flexibility. What if we want to add more options or provide default values? The constructor signature becomes bloated, and maintaining backward compatibility becomes a challenge.

The Elegance of Functional Options

The functional options pattern provides a more elegant and maintainable solution. Instead of passing a multitude of parameters, we pass a list of option functions that modify the struct. This approach offers a cleaner and more flexible way to configure our components.

Here's a breakdown of the functional options pattern:

  1. Define Option Functions: Create functions that accept a pointer to the struct and modify its fields. These functions represent individual configuration options.

  2. Apply Options: Within the constructor, apply each option function to the struct, effectively configuring it according to the provided options.

Let's illustrate this with a simple example:

      package main

import (

type Config struct {
	Name  string
	Value int

type Option func(*Config)

func WithName(name string) Option {
	return func(c *Config) {
		c.Name = name

func WithValue(value int) Option {
	return func(c *Config) {
		c.Value = value

func NewConfig(opts ...Option) *Config {
	config := &Config{
		Name:  "default",
		Value: 10,
	for _, opt := range opts {
	return config

func main() {
	config := NewConfig(WithName("custom"), WithValue(20))
	fmt.Printf("Config: %+v\n", config)
In this example, WithName and WithValue are option functions that modify the Config struct. The NewConfig function applies these options, allowing for flexible and maintainable configuration.

Real-World Application: Configuring a Web Server

Functional options shine in real-world applications, especially when dealing with complex configurations. Let's consider a web server configuration as a case study:

      package main

import (

type ServerConfig struct {
	Host string
	Port int

type ServerOption func(*ServerConfig)

func WithHost(host string) ServerOption {
	return func(c *ServerConfig) {
		c.Host = host

func WithPort(port int) ServerOption {
	return func(c *ServerConfig) {
		c.Port = port

func NewServerConfig(opts ...ServerOption) *ServerConfig {
	config := &ServerConfig{
		Host: "localhost",
		Port: 8080,
	for _, opt := range opts {
	return config

func main() {
	serverConfig := NewServerConfig(WithPort(9090))
	fmt.Printf("ServerConfig: %+v\n", serverConfig)
Here, the server uses the default host "localhost" but overrides the port to 9090 using the WithPort option. This approach allows for easy extension and modification of configuration options without altering the constructor's signature.

Adopting Functional Options in Modern Applications

The functional options pattern is particularly beneficial in modern applications where configuration needs to be both flexible and maintainable. Here are some key considerations when adopting this pattern:

  • Start Small: Begin by refactoring a small, configurable component to use functional options. This will help you understand the pattern and its benefits before applying it to larger components.

  • Define Defaults: Always provide sensible default values in your constructors. This ensures that your components are usable out of the box even without explicit configuration.

  • Document Options: Clearly document the available options and their effects. This will make your code more accessible to other developers and ensure that they can easily understand and utilize your components.

  • Test Thoroughly: Ensure that your option functions are thoroughly tested. This will help you catch any issues early and guarantee that your components behave as expected.


The functional options pattern is a valuable tool for crafting flexible and maintainable applications in Go. By embracing this approach, you can simplify configuration, enhance code readability, and make your components easier to extend and maintain. Whether you're building a simple library or a complex application, functional options can help you achieve a more elegant and robust design.


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