Monday, October 14, 2024

Ubuntu Unity Edition version 24.10 is released

 The Ubuntu Unity 24.10 release, codenamed "Oracular Oriole," is now available for download at This release marks a significant step forward for the Ubuntu Unity project, featuring several improvements and updates.

Unity 7.7 and LightDM-GTK-Greeter

Ubuntu Unity 24.10 continues to utilize the Unity 7.7 desktop environment. However, a shift has been made away from the unity-greeter in favor of lightdm-gtk-greeter. This change was necessary due to bugs discovered shortly before the release, affecting both Ubuntu Unity and other flavors of Ubuntu that used unity-greeter on top of lightdm.

Calamares Installer

The installation images for Ubuntu Unity 24.10 now use the Calamares installer. This change is thanks to the efforts of Simon Quigley and Aaron Rainbolt, who seamlessly integrated Calamares with the existing Ubuntu Unity live session.

Ubuntu Lomiri 24.10

Alongside Ubuntu Unity 24.10, the Ubuntu Lomiri 24.10 release is also available. This release marks a significant improvement over the earlier testing images, with a notable reduction in crashes. While it is now stable enough for daily use, it's still not recommended for primary machines due to the lack of official support. Users seeking assistance for Ubuntu Lomiri are advised to utilize channels like the Ubuntu Unity Telegram group and UBports channels.

Upgrade from 24.04

Users upgrading from Ubuntu Unity 24.04 should ensure their laptops are fully charged or plugged in and a stable internet connection is available. The following commands must be executed for a successful upgrade:

      sudo sed -i 's/Prompt=lts/Prompt=normal/g' /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
sudo apt install ubuntu-unity-desktop ubuntu-release-upgrader-core
sudo do-release-upgrade -d

Ubuntu Unity Merch

A collaboration between HelloTux and Ubuntu Unity has resulted in the release of official Ubuntu Unity merchandise. HelloTux, a family business dedicated to providing FOSS-themed apparel and merchandise, offers a range of Ubuntu Unity-themed products.

Installing Ubuntu Unity

Users can install Ubuntu Unity on an existing Ubuntu installation by removing gnome-shell and other GNOME applications and installing the ubuntu-unity-desktop package. The package is available in the universe repository of the official Ubuntu archive.

Missing Buttons in GNOME Apps

Users may encounter missing close, maximize, and minimize buttons in GNOME applications due to the use of custom header bars and client-side decorations. Removing the libgtk3-nocsd0 package can help resolve this issue.

Special Thanks

The Ubuntu Unity team acknowledges the invaluable contributions of several individuals:

  • Dmitry Shachnev (mitya57), the MOTU/uploader, for managing package uploads to the official Ubuntu Unity repositories.

  • Maik Adamietz and Tobiyo for their dedicated support efforts and community moderation.

Support and Community

For support and inquiries, users can join the Ubuntu Unity community on Telegram at or on IRC (#ubuntu-unity on


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